rdor rje phreng ba'i dbang gi sdom/


SRC ID: S921


ff. 1a-4b


Pecha (MS dbu med)

Physical description

  • Annotations to the text: with extensive annotations

Colophon excerpt

f. 4a4: 'di nyid srin po zhes pa shing pho yos? byi lo [i.e. 1495] dgun zla 'bring po rgyal zla chu srin khyim gyi yar ngo'i dga' ba dang po'i snga gro (=dro) nas dbu gtsugs/ mar gyi ngo'i dga' ba gsum pa'i snga gros (=dror) rdzogs par thob pa'i tshe/ thams cad mkhyen pa chen po chos kyi rje rdo rje gdan pa'i zhal snga nas dgung lo drug bcu rtsa bzhi gzhes pa'i tha ma la rdo rje phreng ba'i dbang bka' rnams bka' tha ma'i tshul du rjes su stsal dus/ bdag slob ma'i tha chung snyoms las pa rnam rgyal mgon po dri med sdes zin bris su mi skyus pa'i tho tsam du shes bya kun snang du bkod pa'o/ /

Content / Summary

  • supplement to the initiation into the system of the Vajrāvalī Ⓢ

Editorial Remarks




Topics & Deities

Print entry